Critical Incidents
The entertainment industry is often not recognized for its vulnerability to the impacts of critical incidents. These traumatic events can significantly disrupt production crews, halting projects or even leading to the premature and unnecessary end of production, with substantial human and financial repercussions.
Critical incidents in the entertainment industry during pre-production, production, and post-production phases can include:
Serious injury or illness of an entertainer before or during production
Death of an entertainer before or during production
Significant illness or injury within production companies
Death of a crew member
Serious injury or fatality among stunt personnel
The suicide of a crew member
Catastrophic equipment failures causing injury, death, or major production delays
Investigations by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
Serious security breaches
Assaults on the production staff
Personal connections to affected employees
An employee is similar in gender, age, or appearance to the affected employee
Multiple traumatic events in a short timeframe within a studio
Unsuccessful resuscitation efforts
Challenges in dealing with extremely upset and demanding staff
Any situation affecting the functioning of one or more team members
If you are unsure about whether you or someone on your production team has been exposed to a critical incident, it is advised to consult with Dr. Brown. He can provide an assessment of the incident and recommend an appropriate response.