Critical Incidents

Acts of Terrorism

In response to the rising instances of both foreign and domestic terrorism within the United States, I have developed a new section focused specifically on this kind of trauma.

Understanding the purpose and effects of terrorism is crucial. Incidents in places like Boston, Pittsburg, Buffalo, Dallas, and San Bernardino have profound consequences, not only for survivors and their families but also for first responders, healthcare systems, and local, state, and federal governments. They significantly affect disaster relief agencies and the broader community, including those who identify with the victims and survivors.

For instance, the San Bernardino attacks had such an extensive impact that they influenced the tone and focus of the 2016 elections. Similarly, a subsequent threat to the Los Angeles Unified School District led to the closure of the nation's second-largest school district. It’s vital to recognize that such events or even the mere threat of them can deeply affect people in your organization and community, regardless of their direct involvement in the attack.

The fear and uncertainty generated by the possibility of such attacks can be overwhelming and may currently be affecting the functioning of some of your employees, both at work and at home. I offer specific tactics and strategies to help mitigate these impacts, which can be beneficial for morale, team building, and psychological preparedness.

If there's uncertainty about exposure to a critical incident within your organization, it is recommended to seek a consultation with Dr. Brown. He can assist in evaluating the incident and advising on an appropriate response.